Harness for kitesurfing.

Kite harness - types, features, brands.
Why do you need a kite harness?
Harness - serves to reduce the load on the arms and transfer it to the body.
A kite harness is the first item in the equipment of a beginner kiter.
If you have completed training and realized that kitesurfing has now become a part of your life, the first thing you will have to deal with when buying your own equipment is a personal harness.

Advice from a trainer for beginner kiters - how to choose the right harness.
Types of kitesurfing harnesses.
Kite harnesses are divided into seated, waist and combined (the so-called "hybrid", i.e. waist with a seated function or waist integrated with a life jacket or shorts), as well as women's and men's models.
A waist harness is our main choice in most cases.
When choosing, you need to pay attention to the materials from which the product is made.
It is best to buy a model from the latest collections of manufacturers, as they use new technologies and materials.
Almost all modern waist harnesses use a technology in which the inner part of the harness is deformed due to body heat, adapting to the anatomy of your back.
When buying a harness, you should pay attention to such details as the presence of a pocket for a strap cutter (usually included) and a leash mount.
If we talk about brands, I personally recommend ION, NORTH, DAKINE.
Although the brand is not of primary importance here.
The main thing is your feeling of comfort.
To choose your harness, be sure to try on different models and hang on them in the store.
For this, any kite store has a special hook for testing the harness.
Let me remind you that these are general recommendations suitable for most of my students.
If you have any special features and are having difficulty making a choice, write to me, I will be happy to help with advice.
The seated harness is worth paying attention to for those who do not plan to jump and catch a wave on the reef.
It is often chosen by girls with a calm riding style or racers (riding for speed).
The disadvantage of this harness is that it limits freedom of movement.
The advantage is the same - due to the limited movement, the harness sits stably on the body, without shifting up to the chest.
The hybrid harness is the least popular.
We do not recommend buying it.
In most cases, I do not recommend considering harness hybrids, they significantly limit our freedom of movement and are convenient only in certain cases, for people with individual characteristics.
Important advice from a trainer.
If you can easily rent a kite, it is better to have your own harness.
This is your comfort and progress during riding.