Contacts of kite school DOMINIKITE.

We will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
We are located in Cabarete, Dominican Republic - 365 days a year!
Mail -
WhatsApp - +1 829 542 59 13
Telegram - +1 829 542 59 13
Friends, our team is experts in kitesurfing and surfing in the Dominican Republic.
Individual approach to each client.
Kite school DOMINIKITE (Dominikite) - notifies you that kiteboarding is an extreme, technically difficult sport, potentially dangerous to health and life.
If you started training at the kite school DOMINIKITE (Dominikite) - you undertake;
- strictly follow the instructions of the instructor when learning kiteboarding (surfing and any other sport) - follow the safety rules and use of equipment.
- immediately notify the instructor and stop classes if there are medical contraindications
- do not attend classes in a state (or in the presence of a residual state) of alcohol or drug intoxication.
- bear full legal and financial responsibility in the event of an accident for harm caused to one’s own life and health, as well as the life and health of others in case of violation of the instructor’s requirements and rules of conduct on the water.
- bear financial responsibility for loss or damage to equipment if these costs exceed $100 (one hundred US dollars). Subject to payment for the course or additional insurance. In case of discounts, the client pays for any damage to the equipment.
- in cases of training a minor child, one of the parents is obliged to give permission for training and notify the coach about medical restrictions, if any.
- in cases of training or assistance on the client’s equipment, the Instructor is not responsible for the quality and integrity of the equipment.
- in case of delay, the client fully pays for the instructor’s downtime.
- the instructor’s work time begins from the moment the kite is unpacked on the beach and ends when the kite is packed.
Perhaps here you will find answers to your questions.