How to choose a kite for light winds.

What are the features of equipment for light winds, advice from professionals.
Many kiters will now say - it is better to wait for a strong wind - and they will be right.
But having only a light wind at my disposal, I would still go riding, and not sit at home.
Here a kite for light wind will help you. How to choose? Let's talk about it.
If it so happens that your riding mostly occurs in 4-6 knts, then you need a kite for light wind, and I hope this article will help you make the right choice of equipment.
Attention! Not a larger kite, but a kite for light wind.
Today, every manufacturer has a line of kite models for light winds.
The size range of such kites starts from 15m.

Let's start with the fact that when riding in light wind, not only the kite matters, but also the bar, the length of the lines, the board.
Let's start with the kite.
The principle of choosing a kite is the same as described in the article How to choose a kite, with the exception of some details.
The shape of the kite dome should be flatter than that of a bow kite.
This provides the kite with good traction and hovering during a jump (like a paraglider).
Just in case, I will say that a kite for light winds is not just a large kite, it is a special kite design that allows you to ride in your usual style and practice tricks even in light winds.
Designers of modern kites pay a lot of attention to weight.
Of course, in large kites for light winds it is very important to reduce the weight.
Often the weight of the 14th regular kite and the 17th light wind kite is the same.
This is ensured by the quality of the materials, the thickness of the cylinder.
The thinner the diameter of the front cylinder, the faster the kite.
I recommend not to save money when buying a kite for light wind and not to choose the cheapest kites of unknown brands.
Since the design of a light wind kite is complex and developed separately from the rest of the line, only well-known serious manufacturers offer kites that really work great in light wind.
For example, these are BLADE Fat Lady, Cabrinha Contra, Ozone Edge.
The kite bar for light wind, as a rule, comes in a set wide from 54 cm.
The length of the lines remains the same 24 m. (depending on the manufacturer).
I recommend purchasing additional extensions from 3 to 5 m (depending on the model).
This will give you the ability to lift the canopy higher and catch a couple of knots of wind.
A longer lever will reduce the flapping, which will make the ride more comfortable, but will slow down the reactions of your kite.
A kite for light winds should definitely have a quick relaunch system from the water.
The concept of choosing a kiteboard is simple - the bigger the area, the better.
But don't overdo it, because with a big board you lose maneuverability.
A small surfboard or SUP will work well (if the wind is really bad).
The conclusion is simple. Light wind is not a problem.
If you choose the right kite for light wind and set up the equipment correctly, you can have a lot of fun!
Which I sincerely wish you!