Kiteboard stand width.

How to install straps and pads on a kiteboard correctly, advice from a coach.
Before installing the bindings on the kiteboard, we must decide on the width of the stand.
Before installing the bindings on the kiteboard, you need to decide on the width of the stance.
The wider your stance, the less stress on your knees and the more comfortable your landing after jumping will be.
With a wide stance, it is easier for you to keep your balance, but at the same time it will be more difficult for you to push off for a jump and perform axial tricks.
So we are looking for the golden mean, choosing a medium stance.
To find your stance, I recommend that you definitely try different stances from narrow to wide.
The width is measured in centimeters between the internal inserts from screw to screw.
The distance can vary from 36 to 50 cm.
The average stance is considered to be 45 cm, but it is also important to consider the person's height.
So for students taller than 180, I recommend a stance of 50 cm, since your center of gravity is high.
You can also adjust the angles of the kiteboard bindings, and the same recommendation applies here - try different angles.
The more your toes are spread apart, the easier it will be for you to do axial tricks and turn the board into the wind.
Your knees will work outward instead of inward, which will reduce the risk of injury.
When screwing the pads to the board, adjust the pads to the center of the kiteboard width, the distance should be equal.
Then attach the straps and your board is ready.
Comfort, safety and progress in your riding depend on the choice and correct adjustment of the equipment!