Spot Kite Beach is a cove adjacent to Bozo Beach, located downwind.

Kite Beach in Cabarete is a bay. There are small hotels and kite schools along the beach.
The size of the bay of Kite Beach, and therefore the beach and water area, is smaller than Bozo Beach.
Riding conditions at the Kite Beach spot in Cabarete are the same as at Bozo Beach.
The only drawback of this spot is the small size of the beach and water area.
The entire shore of the bay is divided by the territories of several hotels, so it is always crowded.
In winter there is often high traffic and even queues of students to enter the water.
Therefore, with the development of the resort, kiters gradually moved to the Bozo Beach, and vacationers from local hotels mainly train at the Kite Beach spot.
type of spot:
wind is northeastern (at an angle to the right)
narrow beach and small water area the beach and bottom are sandy, there are rocks on the sides of the bay, a high reef
small breaking wave, ripples
blows from about 12 to 19 o'clock
wind force: December-April for kites sizes 9-12, May-September for kites sizes 7-9

Living conditions at the Kite Beach spot in Cabarete
Due to the distance from the center of Cabarete, for a comfortable life on Kite Beach it is better to have transport to get to restaurants and clubs in the center in the evening.
You can also easily use the services of local motorcycle taxis “motoconcho”, which travel everywhere and usually stand near the entrances to hotels.
Kite Beach hotels are suitable for those who looking for economical accommodation options.
Some hotels have small beach cafes where you can drink cold drinks, have a snack, or have dinner.
To visit the main discos and more sophisticated restaurants you need to go to the center of Cabarete.
Kite school Dominikite conducts classes at the Kite Beach spot exclusively with advanced level students, subject to separate agreement with the client.
The conditions for learning at the Bozo Beach spot are more comfortable, especially for entry-level students.
For those who already riding, we recommend choosing a hotel on Kite or Bozo beach most convenient for you.
You can always riding near your hotel, periodically going to other spots to try yourself in different riding conditions.
Advanced kiters will be more interested in Bozo Beach.