Kitesurfing And Surfing Spots In Cabarete, Dominican Republic.

Description of all kite spots in the Dominican Republic. The best place to ride and learn.
Our small town of Cabarete consists of several bays located nearby. There is only one road along the seashore.
On both sides of the road there are hotels, cafes, shops and houses of local residents.
Four adjacent stretches of coastline are the main sites of Cabarete.

Bozo Beach is the kite spot in the center of the Cabarete, the main bay where the development of the city began, initially as a resort for windsurfers.
Today it is the main largest kite and windsurf spot in Cabarete, and the center of nightlife.
On this beach locate all the main establishments of the city: shops, cafes, bars, nightclubs, most schools, etc.
Directly within the city there are two spots - Kite Beach and Bozo Beach, located nearby.
The center of Cabarete is Bozo Beach, sometimes you can hear the name Cabarete Beach.
The entire beach can be walked on foot in half an hour. Here, in the center of Cabarete, there is a beach area with sun loungers, bars and cafes.
At the Bozo Beach spot in Cabarete the DOMINIKITE kite school gives kitesurfing classes
On the outskirts of the city are two more spots in Cabarete:

the second largest kite spot in Cabarete is a small bay next to Bozo Beach, the city center can be reached on foot along the beach in 30-40 minutes.
The riding conditions here are no different from Bozo Beach.
The only drawback of this kite spot is the small size of the beach and water area, that is why mostly guests of nearby hotels practice kitesurfing here.
On the outskirts of the city there are two more spots in Cabarete: El Encuentro
- an ideal place for wave riding; there is a natural reef near the shore, which makes riding safe.
La Boca is a river that offers excellent conditions for flat kitesurfing.
Both spots in Cabarete are 5 km from the city center and require transport to access them.

It is perfect place for wave riding, close to the coast, there is a reef, which makes riding safe.
Also the Encuentro spot is considered one of the best surf spots for learning to surf in Dominican Republic
Experienced kiters can also ride here. With advanced level students we do downwinds Cabarete - Encuentro
La Boca - is a river that offers excellent conditions for flat kitesurfing.
Both this spots in Cabaret are 5 km from the city center and require transportation to access them.

A picturesque location on the outskirts of Cabarete, 10 minutes drive from the city center, downwind.
This is the mouth of the river, where the river flowing into the ocean overflows and forms a small water area with a flat.
The La Boca kite spot is suitable for experienced freestyle jumpers.
For advanced students we train on the leeward side of La Boca - Cabaret.