Wind season in Cabarete, Dominican Republic.

The wind season in Cabarete for kitesurfing lasts almost all year round, except for October-November.
Rains in Cabarete are more common in autumn and winter, but they are short and short-lived, usually falling at night, bringing coolness, and in the morning the sun shines again and you can go riding and relax.
The wind in Cabarete blows almost all year round!
The stable wind season in Cabarete, i.e. the period when there is definitely wind and the forecast is almost always correct, lasts from December to May and from June to September.
The wind season in Cabarete begins in mid-November.
Starting to blow on sizes 12-14, the wind gradually increases in strength and duration and by mid-December, as a rule, blows stably on sizes 9-12 kites (on average 14 knots).
You can kite ride in this season from about 2 pm to 7 pm.
The wind continues to increase with each month. The high wind season in Cabarete begins in mid-January.
In winter and spring, it blows steadily at 8-10 kite size (on average 20 knots), starting at 12 noon.
Summer in Cabarete is the season of the strongest and most stable wind and there is practically no surf, it blows at 7-9 (more often at 7) kite size, from the very morning.
In the Dominican Republic, summer is all year round, there is no pronounced seasonality, so you can come to Cabarete at any time of the year!
Low season for wind in Cabarete is October, November. It is difficult to predict the wind at this time.
In one year, there may be a great wind all autumn, in another year, there may not be a single day of wind for a whole month.
So these two months are the most unfavorable for kitesurfing.
Although you can safely come to rest during this season, summer, sun and a warm ocean in Cabarete will never let you down!
From mid-November to mid-December, as well as in May, there is wind, but the wind forecast is less stable, it can be wrong.
Cyclones occur during these months, rains come for three or four days.
As a rule, if such a cyclone comes, there is no wind, or it blows on large kite sizes (14-16).
But these periods are short-lived, as soon as the rains stop, the usual stable wind returns. As a rule, the wind in Cabarete blows in the afternoon in winter, and almost all day in summer.
If you look at the weather forecast in Cabarete in the morning, do not rush to go riding with the first gusts of wind.
As a rule, starting to blow from 11-12 in the afternoon, the wind increases and stabilizes by 13-15 hours.
Local kiters wait for this moment and go out on the water in the strongest and most stable wind.
Thanks to the constancy of the winds, the lack of seasonality, the variety of spots, the mild climate, as well as many activities in your free time besides kiting and the opportunity to combine kitesurfing and travel, we can confidently say that Cabarete is the best place for riding and learning kitesurfing in the Dominican Republic.